BC Adventures

This website is all about Laura's new Adventures about her new life accross canada. British Columbia

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well now, what do two bored lifeguards do on their days off in April? SNOWBOARD AND SKI OF COURSE! It's arpril 4th and we have fresh powder at the local mountain, so off we went and had a shit show of a day. Here's a few random pics.... oh what a day! THANKS MARSTAR!!!! Let us not forget the conversation with the branch, and laura's hug with a tree!!!! Oh and we can't forget about barring ourselves (well, mara) in snow to impress the lifty! hahaha And skiing on the chairlift Oh and then Laura (me) disapeared into waiste deep powder for half an hour trying to find my way back to base. SICK! what a day!


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