BC Adventures

This website is all about Laura's new Adventures about her new life accross canada. British Columbia

Friday, February 09, 2007

Days Off!!!

Kick Ass! Thanks Krystal!

2 days of fun, boarding, wings and beer!

Day at Fairmont just can’t get any better when you can’t see 2 feet in front of your face and your boarding partner wears a WHITE jacket! Good going! Haha. One day we’ll get it right Krys!

HEY – do any of you guys know a 4 year old that can snowboard? Cutest thing I’ve ever seen. A four year old kid, that can actually snowboard and go off jumps.

Wicked Day Krys, Olli and Whittle!

Day at Pano!!!

Well… this was a day to talk about. After Krys and I decided to actually go to pano even though it’s shitty weather and heavy snow… on the way there, we spun out the car on the other side of the road and almost went over into a big ditch in the valley. Opps! Krystal, maybe you shouldn’t drive over 100 km/hr when it’s bad road conditions… oh and when you’re trying to get out of the spin out, don’t slam on the breaks! HaHa!

So… then we go to Timmy Hortans, get coffee and debate the re

st of the road trip. So we go b/c we’re crazy, and we get to Pano, run into Dano from London, say hi and on the lift we go.

First run, is supposed to be an easy go run to get the day started. Well, just for the record Krystal, I’M PICKING IT NEXT TIME! So we ended up lost and in the sun bowl, going down steep runs, that just arne’t meant for first run of the day. Ha, opps! But we’re alive, after 40 minutes of being lost on the hill.

So, when we finally find our way, we kick it up, and go to summit. Wow… not too much of a view b/c of the fog, but you could at least see the peaks today. Some

Powder, but nothing to rave about. And then comes first run down “Extreme Dream Bowl” which is full of single and double blacks! Yeah, lets kill Laura on the second run!

Anyways… We found Dano later and started riding with him, also tried to kill Laura! Few runs with Dano, then Krys and I were off for home. Legs were way to tired to hang out til 4 pm. So last story of the day, we picked up a Mexican hitch hiker! Turns out she was on a day off from working at Pano, and just out enjoying the snow!

All in all, wicked day, awesome tunes, great story and few pictures!



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