BC Adventures

This website is all about Laura's new Adventures about her new life accross canada. British Columbia

Friday, March 09, 2007

Auzie Days!

New People

Well…. Spring is upon the resort and a bunch of new staff are arriving, and alas my new roommate Boulinda and my new favourite boys… Shayne and Glen from Austrailia.

Good times at farside with pool…. Maybe not my strong point after 4 Alaxanders with Glen.

Boarding and the down under…

Well the Auzies now out number the English/bitish people here, who out number the orients who out number the Canadians, this place is wack.

So I was boarding with 4 Auzies today, which is weird. One Canadian and four austrailians, but anyways, I had a blast of an afternoon, watching the boys stack it all the way down the hill and at the bottom, looking like a walking frosty the snow man. Haha, cheers Glen! One day you’ll get it right!

After an afternoon of boarding, laughing my ass off at the auzie crew (Tom, Carla, Glen and Shane) we went had a few drinks, dinner, and then the 3 hour… yes THREE hour soak in the hot springs just chatten away to each other. Good day!


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