BC Adventures

This website is all about Laura's new Adventures about her new life accross canada. British Columbia

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cell phone number

Hey guys, i changed my cell phone number incase you need to find me, it's now a BC number 250-270-0667

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fairmont Pictures

http://spaces.msn.com/lilswiffer this is where my photos are posted, have a look

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thoughts - In our hearts, Always - MF

Words that have meaning "When i die, I want people to say that i inspred them. I don't care so much that they say i was a good man or a kind man or a happy man or a great man. I want them to say that they lived their life a little bit differently because of me. That they saw the world filled with a bit more adventure. That they were a little bit less afraid to do something that they truly wanted. If even one person stands up at my funeral and says that i inspired them, that will be enough. The world will know that i died happily. Chances are, i'll probably go in an avalanche or a climbing accidnet or somethig like that, and poeple will say "at least he died doing smoething he loved" What hogwash. It doesn't matter how you die. it's how you lived up to that point that matters. Rather than spending time to avoid the inevitavble: death, i hope to have lived with it firmly in my view. Once you have accepted death, your passing should not be tragic. It should be an inevitable reality. It is the final chapter, which was written before the first. To live with out fear of death makes you capable of great htings. You worry less about what people think of you. You worry ess about money. You worry less about failures. You are able to put yourself more fully into everytihg that you do. This is the inspriation that i want to have given to people. to let htme live wit a bit less fear. To push them a little bit closer to the Eternal. "