BC Adventures

This website is all about Laura's new Adventures about her new life accross canada. British Columbia

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So, this is just me and Mara, being absolutely ridiculous and stupid! Go ahead and laugh! This is what we do, on nights when we're bored and all we want to do is bitch about the men we like, then come up with things to do to them, or not do to them, or for them or ... well you get the point, this is our girl talk about men. Please note what we're holding! oh Mara, the black male coming your way.


So.... maybe going hiking in the protected area of the Hoodoos isn't a good idea to clear your head by yourself. Haha, opps! Well... besides seeing the greatest views, good walk in the warm weather getting soaked by all the melting snow, playing photo shoot with a bald eagle and getting the shit scared about of me by only what now appears to be the wind... it's all good. I herd rocks falling from the sand peaks, so immediately i thought it was an animal coming over the hill, Cougar, Wolf, Deer, Mountain Sheep, something. So goofy Laura climbed into the nearest tree to wait and see if an animal was to appear. a few minues later, hopeing she was just crazy , i climbed out of my tree and decided it was time to get out! Anyways, here's the pictures of me trying to clear my head and go for a hike in the woods... next time, i'm bringing someone.